Business english training
English classes at your office

Business English TRAINING course

We offer both in-person (on-site) and online business English training courses designed to serve the needs of non-native English speaking corporate executive and management professionals working here in the United States on expat contracts with a work visa or as US residents.  Our corporate English classes are designed to enhance the program participants’ effectiveness in communicating in English in a business environment.  We organize these English as a Second Language (ESL) classes in either one-to-one or group formats delivered on-site at your office or virtually.  Our business English training courses and classes are always conversation-centered as our experience has been that prioritizing oral communication skills is the gateway to a much more sustainable learning experience with all of the other linguistic skill areas.  That being said, we customize and adapt the program to suit the needs of each client. 

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Who is the business english training course for?

Corporate clients looking to deploy an on-site or virtual business English training course for its non-native English speaking employees who are having significant challenges communicating in English in a manner that supports them being effective at performing their jobs.

Why not a language learning app?

A formal business English course offers a professional, experienced ESL (English as a Second Language) teacher who can readily adapt to the moment by moment needs of the students.  If there is confusion or difficulty with a language concept either in understanding or practice, the teacher can immediately offer guidance and correction in a way that a language learning app cannot.  Also, a formal business English classroom environment offers live English interaction opportunities with other actual human beings be it with their classmates in group or pair work exercises or with the teacher.  This type of live encounter with language is invaluable and irreplicable by an inanimate language learning app.  Language is naturally meant to be exchanged between human beings so it is only natural that a formal language classroom experience would offer a more direct, relatable, and engaging way of building language skills over a sterile and lifeless technological delivery mechanism. 

Where we deliver business English courses

We operate in-person business English training courses in many places across the U.S. Some of the places we’ve run programs include Tennessee, Kentucky, Texas, California and even a remote site in Arkansas to name a few.  We also offer virtual business English courses not limited by geography over virtual meeting platforms such as Zoom, Google Hangout, and Microsoft Teams.

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Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.

Benefits of Our business english training course

Engaging Learning Experiences

 Ultimately, the effectiveness of any language learning program depends on how engaged the students are in the learning process.  For us, this is the most important dimension to cultivate in any learning container.  We recognize that the key determining factor for that is the quality of the teacher.  Teaching is and has always been a creative craft and we search for not only experienced ESL teachers but teachers who have a natural genius for connecting imagination to their craft.  

 Culturally Informed Instruction

We highly value ESL teachers that have lived and/or taught abroad.  We have found that when an ESL teacher has had an experience being an expat in a foreign country that his approach to teaching and working with his students is profoundly informed with valuable measures of humility, respect and compassion.  The experiences of living abroad helps to cement the intimate relationship that culture has with language which serves to deepen the teacher’s craft.  Expats living in the US not only face linguistic challenges but they also face the great difficulty of adapting to a very different cultural environment which unavoidably and naturally has a very substantial influence on how effectively they acquire English.  Who better to work with an ESL student who is an expat in a foreign land than a teacher who has also been an expat in a foreign land? 

Why Choose Us

First Rate Teaching Professionals

Our core informing belief at Premiere Language is that great teachers create great learning experiences.  The teacher is the most valued asset at Premiere Language so we put a lot of energy and leverage our considerable experience to find the best ESL teachers to work with your clients.  


We’ve been designing and deploying corporate English training programs for approaching twenty years with clients ranging from mid-sized companies all the way up to large Fortune 500 corporations. 

Client Roster

Some of our higher profile national and multinational clients we have been delivering on-site language programs to:

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